· The Motorcycle Diaries tells the story of a journey through South America undertaken by Che and his friend. Always hungry and penurious, Che explains how they relied on the hospitality and generosity of the people they met; his descriptions of the different customs, foods, accommodation and hospitality of the countries they passed through are /5(K). · Motorcycle Online Rating: ****. Buy it at www.doorway.ru! The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey Around South America. By Ernesto Che Guevara. pages, 16 glossy Bw ill, hardcover. ISBN 1 www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 3 mins. The Motorcycle Diaries tells the story of a journey through South America undertaken by Che and his friend. Always hungry and penurious, Che explains how they relied on the hospitality and generosity of the people they met; his descriptions of the different customs, foods, accommodation and hospitality of the countries they passed through are Cited by:
The motorcycle diaries: a journey around South America Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item The motorcycle diaries: a journey around South America by Guevara, Che, Travel, Cuba, General, Guevara, Che, , Guevara, Ernesto, Publisher London ; New York: Verso Collection inlibrary; printdisabled. Both of them kept diaries. One of them was a tall and good-looking medical student called Ernest Guevara de la Serna. Using the standard Argentinean nickname, others would sometimes refer to the two companions as Big Che and Little Che. In Ernesto's case, the nickname stuck. Within a decade the whole world would know Che Guevara. The Motorcycle Diaries tells the story of a journey through South America undertaken by Che and his friend. Always hungry and penurious, Che explains how they relied on the hospitality and generosity of the people they met; his descriptions of the different customs, foods, accommodation and hospitality of the countries they passed through are.
In January , two young men from Buenos Aires set out to explore South America on an ancient Norton motorbike. The journey lasted six months and took them thousands of miles, all the way from Argentina to Venezuela. En route, there was disasters and discoveries, high drama, low comedy, fights, parties and a lot of serious drinking. The Motorcycle Diaries Summary. Next. Chapter 1. In January , Ernesto Guevara is a medical student in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His friend and fellow medical student, Alberto Granado, suggests that the two of them take a motorcycle trip through South America together, with the ultimate aim of seeing the San Pablo Leper Colony in Peru, in which Alberto is professionally interested. The Motorcycle Diaries is a memoir of the Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara. It traces his early travels, as a year-old medical student, with his friend Alberto Granado, a year-old biochemist. Leaving Buenos Aires, Argentina, in January on the back of a sputtering single cylinder Norton cc dubbed La Poderosa, they desired to explore the South America they only knew from books. During the formative odyssey Guevara is transformed by witnessing the social injustices of.